13 Dec 2011

Day 5

Ok now I know the last one I did was day 3 but that also incorporated day 4 beause nothing much happened in between so I am actually doing today today, which is a bit like writing your biography when you are 15 but if anything else crops up I will update as it happens, unless that update is about the place burning down in which case I will be too busy jumping through a window to type!

So last night Day 4 but not updated cos it was late and I am still fighting and winning against this head cold Mrs Storm informed me that she had secured a 4ft commission piece for a chap who wants his wife painted in the nude, her not me, which is a fabulous job, not just cos its a nudey lady! Mrs Storm will be doing the photography so it will actually be tastefully done, if it was left up to me I shudder to think.

So then I got to the gallery this morning and oped up my online shop sales and found that overnight for some inexplicable reason I had sold an assortment of prints (11) overnight A1's, A2's and A3's...no idea why or how or what or who, must have been people cheering themselves up on a cold dark wet winters Monday, but whatever the reason...good on em!!!!
Right back to some Bob Marley and Hot Ribena!! :)

Tasteful Nudey Lady

Print Orders  :)

Bob Marley ONE LOVE!!!

Hot Ribena mmmmmmmmmmm!

12 Dec 2011

DAY 3 tell me why I don't mind mondays!

Well yesterday, Sunday yesterday was a bit slow but not bad as a couple of prints sold which is nice! The weather was lousy and I caught a chill and sore throat but got home to Mrs Storm  and she dosed me up with her patented lemon honey and ginger and I am back in the gallery and fighting fit and fending off the advances of Charles Saatchi, bloody bugger! LMAO
Well now its Monday and here I am again, its been interesting already, sold another print and had an interesting chat with a lady who is a poet, artist, photographer and charity collector. So far unlike Bob Geldof I don't mind Mondays!!

11 Dec 2011


Ok so now I will be doing each days update on the following day because its been way too busy to do it as it happens and when I get home I just want tea and toast and bed! LOL
So yesterday day 2 was great. Had a lot of very interesting chats about the show and the work with everyone from the local postman James Bond (I kid you not) and a lady psychologist and a whole bunch of other people inbetween.
Its the best part of the whole process meeting and chatting to people about the work and getting their reactions and opinions.
Then in the afternoon a very dear friend came from Paris to visit the show, Natalie is an incredibly talented artisan, her work appears in museums and opera houses and on the backs of catwalk models modelling for the finest Haute Couture houses the world over.  Then my freind Stealer Artman turned up and we had a great afternoon just chomping on chocolate cake and shooting the breeze about every subject under the sun and I sold my painting 'The Inexplicable Placement of Random Objects and Convoluted Painting Titles', so all in all a fabulous day!!!


10 Dec 2011


Well day 1 was very cool, withing a couple of mins of opening up a guy came in to have a look around and after a few minutes we started talking about art, 2 hours later we were still there talking about art, then he got his smart phone out and showed me some of his work, it was at that point that I thought it was time to pack up and go home LMAO, his painting were absolutely stunnin. Christian is from Chile, he emigrated to New York and blagged his way into one of its most prestigious art schools. He then left New York and went to Poland where he opened his own Salsa dance school, then from there he ended up here in blighty and now has his own art school in East London and he also paints for a living too. He was a really nice geniune guy, even said he would take me and my work to introduce me to his gallery down in Mayfair, woooo woooo, not  bad start to the week, ok well technically it was Friday but was the satart of my week or  two. He even gave me some technical tips and said he really like the 'My Wei', a huge compliment!!!


Ok I know I'm a bit behind with the old blog so I am now in the gallery catching up.
The opening night of the solo show was a fairly subdued affair, well as subdued as you can get prancing around in a mask, slightly risque trousers and a diamonte bullet proof vest!
It was great to see some old friends who had braved the horrendous weather to come take a look at my wares. (oooer)
So until the 24th of December I am now artist in residence/gallerist/chief cook and bottle washer, so if you are out and about and want to say hi, come on down, it will be great too see ya!

With my old friend Tom the model for the painting behind us 'Ghetto Blaster'

3 Dec 2011

Me and Him

Visited Gallery 90 today and was lucky enough to get a drawing lesson for free from an artist that really knows how to put pen/brush/tea to paper.  Carne Griffiths was at G90 giving a demonstration of how he creates his stunning images.  Carne will be there again tomorrow (Sunday 4th December) from 12 noon to 6 pm.  If you can get there you really should, not only will you get to see all of the stunning work in his solo show, you will also get to see how he creates it!  A rare treat!

25 Nov 2011

Sacred or Profane? Him not me!!!

Just reading Andrew Graham Dixon's ' Caravaggio a life sacred and profane'. Its a right riveting read although at times Mr Dixon does seem to be treating it more like an art lecture rather than a biography, however it's very well researched and constructed and does add flesh to the bones of the character of Caravaggio.
Funny how the title of his book is very similar to the title of my solo show! ;)

24 Nov 2011


Now we all know I like a bit of Hirst, I mean I like his work not any particular part of the actual Mr Hirst. It now appears that he has been chosen as the artist to represent Team GB for 2012, with the Tate doing a big Hirst show apparently.
With all of the talent out there surely at such a huge event with the worlds eyes on London, the Arts Council, the Government and the Tate could have chosen another artist or a few of them to showcase. Its not as if Mr Hirst needs the exposure.
Then agin he does hang out with lots of millionaires and thats really what the Olypics are about. Maybe he could produce a special piece, a sheep with a javeline through its head? Or how about the hammer using his diamond encrusted skull as the ball bit?
How much money in security alone is it going to cost the tax payers to look after that skull and all the other bits and bobs??? And I bet he gets a bloody ticket for the 100m final!!!!

19 Nov 2011

Oooh Super Duper Give Away

So my solo show approaches and as I don't want to be the only twit in a mask I am giving away this free print for anyone who turns up in a mask.
Rules are simple, arrive at the door in your mask and walk in with it on, present yourself to me and I will give you a print, then you can take it off and not feel a twit all evening, and no sharing masks and passing it out the door to a mate, its unhygienic and will cost me fortune.
The print will be an edition limited to the number given out, so any left over at the end of the night will be destroyed, yes you heard me destroyed never to be printed again!
The print, pictured below is called 'A Pound of Flesh', hope you like it!!! And no I wont swap it for something decent!!! LMAO


Myself and Mrs Storm were at the Carne Griffiths solo show yesterday, and it was very groovey indeed. A great turn out and some stunning work, if you can get there, see that you do, that's an order, of sorts, lol
pics to follow!!

14 Nov 2011

Pin Ups

If you can get along to The Gallery Liverpool before the 3rd of December I suggest you do, that way you can get to see the stunning portraits by the fabulous artist Sadie Lee.

Sadie's portraits are stunning and not to be missed.

Pin Ups runs until 3rd December 2011 at The Gallery Liverpool,  Stanhope Street, Liverpool L5RE

10 Nov 2011

Watching Paint Dry

People often remark that the life of an artist must be romantic, and poetic and one long creative journey, and they also say I would love to do that, my job is soooo boring its like watching paint dry, well listen up office dwellers I am sitting here literally watching paint dry.
Oh how I long for the gossip by the water cooler, nicking an extra 10 minutes at lunch, perfecting the art of sneaking out early or sneaking in late, the never ending cups of coffee, the endless supply of free stationery, the office christmas party, the paid holidays, phoning in sick when you are actually at the Glastonbury Festival, hiding someones desk or eating somone elses Digestives!
The life of an artist is not always like they portray in films, I dont lounge around in a frilly shirt drinking Absynth or taking copious amounts of Laudenum and opiates, on the plus side I have never cut my ear off and shot myself either.
So here I am sitting here watching paint dry in a freezing studio drinking my own cup of tea out of my own mug and dunking my own Digestive into it!
Would I change any of it??

8 Nov 2011

In The Loop

If you are out and about and pop into a gallery see if they have a copy of Galleries Magazine. This freeebie mag is brilliant with lists and maps of galleries all over the country and a list of all the up and coming shows, and in the Dec issue an ad for a very special show, mine!! Arf!

If you cant find a copy then you can go to their site which is equally as informative!


6 Nov 2011


Popped along to the British Museum today to take a look at Grayson Perry's 'Tomb of The unknown Craftsman' exhibition, and what a wonderful thing it was. The mix of the new and the old and Graysons interpretation of modern contemporary against what was once contemporary but is now historical was spot on. The sculptures were my favourite pieces, although the huge tapestry piece was very impressive.
Well worth a visit!! Beware, this is a timed ticket event so be prepared as you may have a later viewing than you want, but like I said, well worth a visit!!

3 Nov 2011

Last Tuesday on a Thursday

Just been to see an exhibition at the Last Tuesday Society's gallery and shop in Hackney. The paintings and drawings by Tilly Losch and Leonora Carrington were really nice indeed and the shop was the perfect setting. If you are interested in anything, weird or strange or macabre or just plain interesting then the shop is the perfect place for you, its certainly the perfect place for me, I love it. Everytime I go there time stands still and I end up spending way too much.
The Late Tuesday Society also organise some fabulous Masked Balls, so get on line and check them out, thoroughly good eggs!



What am I thinking??
With the new show on it's way I want to make sure there is something available for everyone. I appreciate times are tough so I wan't to make sure everyone can take home a little piece of me (oooer) if they wish too, without breaking the bank.
So what there will be available is:
The original Oil's,
Great value but dear enough!

A2 Print
This Giclee print will be printed on high quality paper with archival inks
Great value but still a stretch if things are tight!

A3 Print
The A3 will be a budget version of the A2 print but obviously smaller and on a slightly lower grade paper but very affordable and still great quality!

Lovely glossy postcards which certainly won't break the bank

So there ya go I hope that helps, any cheaper and I would be giving them away, Oh hang on a mo I am. Yes if you join in the spirit of the show and turn up in a mask then you will be given a special print being created just for the show. The prints will be numbered asthey are given out and at the end of the night any remaining pints will be destroyed, so however many are given out will determine the issue size. Blimey how good am I? ;)


Visited Elstree Studios today to see John Schoonraad from Lifecast.co.uk John and his team are without doubt among the worlds best creatives and John has got to be the worlds number one life caster.
The workshop was full of some stunning bits and pieces which I can't show you because of copyright legaliteis and the fact that a lot of the stuff is for films which are currently in the making.
At one point John reached into a big old laundry bag and whipped out a dead dog! It was a prop he had created for the TV series Top Boy, the scene with the dog aired last night and I can tell you the prop was absolutely stunning looked and weighed the same as a dog, just brilliant.
John was sorting out some prices for me for a couple of projects next year and I can't wait to get started on them. Pop to his site and take a look at some of his fabulous work!
Oh and he makes a decent cuppa too!

This is the real dog, John's version was of the dog hanging dead in a garage! Nice!!

 This is John with the prop dog, its absolutely brilliant!!!

2 Nov 2011

Sneaky Peeks!

Here is another sneaky peak of a pic for my December solo show, its title is ' The Burning Question' and is a painting of Alysha who won my Facebook competition to become the face of one of my paintings. Everyone was asked to send in their face for the comp, and hers was the best due to her thinking (dare I use management speak?) outside of the traditional box!
She is the Daughter of a fellow artist ad friend who named the painting for me.


If you are in the Hoxton/Shoreditch/Dalstson/City or any other London location then if you get a chance get yourself down to 50 Redchurch Street E2 and see Nocturnal, a solo show by Snik Ellis.
Snik and a handful of artists are really elevating the art of stencils to a whole new level. His latest show has some fabulous pieces in it and definitely worth a visit if you can get there before the 5th of November. Bring your credit cards, you will want to buy!


If you didn't see the BBC programme on Grayson Perry last night get a look at it on the Iplayer. Out of a lot of the 'top' artists around Perry is withouth doubt one of the mosy un-pretentious and grounded, get past the girlie frocks and the wicked motorbike suit and he seems like one of the lads, and his work is fabulous!

1 Nov 2011

Love This Guys Work!

If you like amusing, beautiful original photos then you need to check this guy out, I think his work is absolutely brilliant, but dont just take my word for it go take a look!


31 Oct 2011


Here's a sneaky peak at one of the new oils for my solo show!


Well now they have found a lost Da Vinci oil and its going to be the main attraction at the new Da Vinci exhibition at the National Gallery. Never before and its likely that never again in the future will so many well know Da Vinci's be seen together in one place.
The Moaning Lisa wont be there, I imagine they could not get an insurer to cover that one in transit, surely UPS could have carried it over to the UK for 100 Euros!
I was intrigued to discover that there were so many apparently lost Da Vinci's lurking around the world, I mean I have half a dozen sitting in my studio, shall we start the bidding at £150,000,000? or two for £500! ;)

Leonardo Da Vinci: Painter at the Court of Milan, runs from 9 November 2011 to 5 February 2012


Come on now, seriously I mean really! People have been mocking my cutting edge dress sense for years now, how very dare they! In fact one dealer said "how do you expect us to take you seriously dressed like that?".

However take a look at Grayson Perry in last weeks Radio Times. Now that 'IS' an outfit and a half, and they have allowed him to curate an exhibition at the V&A (tomb of the unknown craftsman) and he won the Turner Prize, now if Grayson can get away with it than so can I.




Got to the Afforable Art Fair in Hampsted on Saturday. I believe its the first time they have had one there and by the looks of it its going to be a popular venue, it was crowded and there was lots of art going out the doors and nice to see the fair has set a maximum price of £4000 for any one piece, with a majotity of it being well under. They have fairs all over the world, if you can get to one its well worth a visit!

28 Oct 2011


Times must be hard for the banking world. I went for a meeting at my bank today Coutts & Co in the Strand and instead of the usual cappuccino and selection of Belgian chocolate biscuits all I got was normal coffee and a plate of Hobnobs!!
This my friends is an OUTRAGE!!!!

27 Oct 2011


Looking forward to seeing Big Ray Winstone playing Jack Regan in the Sweeny! If anyone can pull it off I am sure Ray can.
I am slo looking forward to hopefully painting him real soon, a mutual friend is putting the proposal to him and I am just waiting for a relpy, so fingers crossed, although I imagine he's a bit busy at the mo.
As far as I know Ray has only been painted once before, by one of my favourite artists Mitch Griffiths so if I do get to do it then even doing the job half as well as Mitch will be a stretch!!!

26 Oct 2011


If you get the chance check out the Last Tuesday Society, they have a great shop in Hackney East London, an Aladins cave for all things weird and wonderful and they also have exhibitions and talks and all sorts of lovely goings on.
They also regurally have Masked Balls, the next one is on Halloween and they are fabulous, lots of decadent shenanigans tons of fabulous costumes and beautiful people, I mean hey you'll find me there and great music too. So if like me you like a dance in your mask check them out you'll have a wonderful time!


Long Arm of the Law

UK Based artist JPS got a knock on the door last night by some of her majesty's finest who had come to see the rapscallion who had been beautifying the Seaside Town of Weston-Super-Mare with his unique brand of street art or grafitti for the purests amongst you, after an anonymous tip off.
After a grilling over a cuppa and a custard cream surprisingly no arrest followed, so no charges and they left with a lovely print of JPS's fabulous 'Use The Force' painting for their station. NICE!

Dale Grimshaw

If you are in London before the 29th of October, get yourself down to Signal Gallery, 32 Paul Street EC2A 4LB and feast your eyes on the wonderful works of Dale Grimshaw. I love Dale's work and I am sure you will too, and he is there each Saturday so you can get to have a chat with he man himself. Another one of my favourite artists.

25 Oct 2011

Mason Occupies Kind Of

So today I needed some new oil paints and as I have a social conscience I thought I am not gonna buy them and contribute to the corporate machine I am going to get them for free, so I decided not to shop lift them, shoplifting is so 1980's I decided I would rob a church poor box and buy them with the cash of true believers.
So I thought hmmm St Paul's now that's a big old church they must have a huge poor box, so I got down there quick smart only to find the place was shut, he first time since the blitz!!!
There were all these protesters protesting about the banks and the credit crunch, I kind of sympathised but the credit crunch never actually affected me so I was being a bit hypocritical, so I thought I know I will sit in with them for a couple of days only to be told there were no Sauna or Spa facilities, and I would have to take a 15 minute walk to get my morning Frappuccino and pan au chocolat, rubbish!
But I did meet these lovely people who also have a thing for masks so it was a complete waste of time. And as for the oil paints, I got all 80's put on my leg warmers fashioned my locks into a great mullet and went and shoplifted them from Alantis! POWER TO THE PEOPLE!!!

Oi Mate You're Bard!!!

I know its not strictly 'art' in a stuff on canvas kinda way but there is a new film out which is the arts and it's about Shakespeare and plays are in the arts, so lets just say for the sake of argument, and I do love a good argument that it is all art!
The new film explores the idea that Shakespeare did not actually write all those lovely plays. I love a bit of Shakespeare me but I am not that bothered if he wrote them or not, surely the main point is the wonderful body of work.
The people who are most up in arms are the shops and business's in Stratford-Upon-Avon, think of the tea towel sellers, and all those pubs!!!!
The film anonymous looks great but I don't think it will have too much impact on Shakespeare legacy, and as the film looks great it's always worth a look!

"All the world's a stage,
And all the men and women merely players;
They have their exits and their entrances,
And one man in his time plays many parts

24 Oct 2011

A Pic or Two

As my solo show approaches I will be revealing bits and bobs of what's going into the show, this one has been out and about for a while so you can have a look see. The others are closely guarded secrets, well actually the very new ones are, or at least will be when I get around to actually finishing them!

This one is called My Wei. Its a 20'x30' oil of Chinese artist Ai WeiWei. This one was done to highlight the fact that he had been banged up in prison by the Chinese Government. They had let him out before the paint was even dry, miserable buggers!!

Great Show Coming Up

I am having a solo show at G90 (90 Mountgrove Road, London N5 2LT) in December but before that there is another show that you definitely won't want to miss.
The show is buy one of mine and Mrs Storms favourite artists, Carne Griffiths. Carne's work is exquisite, he paints beautiful images using inks and tea, they are delicate but very powerful, if you love fabulous art then you really need to see this show!!

The Affordable Art Fair London

Me and Mrs Storm went to the affordable art fair this weekend and after my clash with the Frieze security guard and the overall poshnoshness of the whole thing I wasa hoping for better, and we got it. The Victoria Line tube was cancelled which meant a frighteningly long journey of trains busses and tubes. So we drove, Mrs Storm too to the wheel and we envisaged loads of delays and holdups. However the journey was an absolute breeze and actually very enjoyable.
The next worry was about parking, if we could not get parking in Battersea park we would need to get some native guides to help us make the walk fromVictoria where the nearest car park was. However much to our suprise and delight the AAF had parking, wait for this, right outside the venue and get this, it was free!!! Result!!


 The AAF is a much more relaxed affair than the Frieze with some stunning and affordable art on show. They have another one next week on Hampsted Heath so if you get a chance get on down to it, it will be very groovey indeed, and if you see me there I may even buy you a coffee, just look for the twit in the balaclava!!

Ha Ha Got it!

Well hello there web wide world, I am all blogged up!!!
So what can I rant about today? Ok I know its a bit late but I am gonna moan up about Frieze, the most prestigious art fair in Europe.
First things first, the row with the security guard, I hadn't even got into the venue when the guard told me A) I could not bring my camera in with me, and B) I could not bring in a bunch of leaflets advertising my solo show. Heads clashed but intelligence won the day and in me and Mrs Storm sauntered with my lovely man bag (not hand bag) full of solo show leaflets and my camera!
They did get their own back though, by A) finding my leaflets in one of their leaflet dispensers and promptly disposing of them in a bin and B) Charging us eight million quid for 2 blueberry muffins and two cups of tea.
All in all it was a bit disappointing.

And why oh why do all posh gallery staff wear black from head to toe like professional mourners? And why do they all weigh about 3 stone? Do the pounds conversion for yourselves! professional artistic mourners and how come they are all about 25 and weigh three ston

Cant Get Te Han of This

Ok so here I am on the blog (oooer) and am not sure if I am doing it right but if I am boy will you guys have some wonderful things to read in the very near future!!!