28 Jun 2012


Just sold this oil entitled 'Thug 4 Life'.
It's a tribute to Norman Rockwell and his fabulous painting 'The Runaway'  with my own twist to it. Mine is not that far removed from the original with just a few subtle changes.
I love Normans work and this painting is a favourite, I hope he would have seen the funny side and appreciated my homage!
Well now someone else likes it too so it's off to it's new home in the USA next week. BON VOYAGE!!!!




I had a few pieces in a show at Gallery 90 cuarated by my good friend Stealer Artman, its was also a special show because I got to exhibit alongside Mrs Storm (Nicky) who showed some of her photography, a triptych of me, so even more special! LMAO
The theme of the show was repetition so I took some of my old images and reworked them, I turned my Ai Wei wei oil into a panel with the image repeated 4 times, I did a triptych of skulls called very originally 'Triptych' I did a multi repeat image of the Messiah for Life Madonna, ink jet on canvas and two new sculptures. Three skulls painted in a Hirts kind of style called 'Hirst in Line' and a piece entitled 'Andy Can Can Can' a small tribute to Andy Warhol.
Although I sold noting at the show I have since secured a buyer for the 'Hirst in Line' Skulls! wooowoooo




WEI TOO MANY inkjet on canvas

MADONNA OF THE GHETTO inkjet on canvas

TRIPTYCH inkjet on canvas

Bits and Bobs

There was me running away with myself and I haven't updated you on the other stuff between the old solo show and now so ok here goes.

Had a couple of pieces in a show in Weston Super Mare called 'Reserrection' put on by an artist called Jamie Paul Scanlon, the idea was that artists would paint images of the famous and infamous who are no longer with us.  I put in an A1 framed print entitled 'Death List 1' which sold, another A1 print called 'Messiah for Life' which didn't and my oil of Sir Thomas More which did sell so all in all not a bad show at all, and I got mentioned in the local rag as one of the top players in the urban art field, the mad fools!!! LMAO

Now usually I do an oil and then produce a print run from that however I did the Messiah for Life print which was a manipulated photo and did a print run of it. Then someone saw the prints and wanted to know if they could buy the original oil? I said it doesn't exist so they basically said "make it so" and I did and it's now sitting happily in its new home up in Cheshire.

Oh and further down the list of blogs you can see the photo of portrait competition winner 'Louise' and I never updated it, so here you can see her photo and the finished oil.
                                                                LESS IS NOT MORE

                                                        Competition Winner LOUISE


27 Jun 2012


Bless me father for I have sinned, it's been a long while since my last confession, I mean Blog, probably cos I forgot the flippin password to this page! LMAO
So what's been happening? Not much really other than me being gloriously magnificent!! ;)

I have a solo show in New York in December (woowoo) at least I better had otherwise all this work is going to waste!

So I have a rough theme for the show which is 'What Lies Beneath?', its about the side we show people and the side we don't want them to see, its about good things and bad things, hypocrisy, double standards, hope, anti racism, anti sexism, anti bigotry, love etc etc.

So for the last few weeks myself and Mrs Storm have been in the photo studio creating the reference material images which will be turned into the oil paintings, its been hard work but a lot of fun. We have had a bunch of great models and friends helping out and we are about 2 shoots away from finishing the photography. I have 3 paintings on the go at once so its a NIGHTMARE!!!!

Below are a few pics from the shoots, hope you like them and I will update this weeks coming shoot on Sunday or Monday if I have any energy left, actually what am I talking about? Mrs Storm is doing all the photography, I just swan around like Steven Speilberg, but am about as dynamic as Stephen Hawking!