23 Jan 2012

Islington Arts Unfair

I know its a rubbish title for the blog but I could not help it. I popped along to the Islington Arts Fair with Mrs Storm to check out what new and groovey shiny things were on offer, and I must say I was distinctly unimpressed.

It was like stepping back in time a year, with generally the same galleries displaying much the same artists and much the same work. The problem as far as I can see it is the cost of exhibiting there is not allowing new galleries to get a foot in and so the same old usual suspects are always there, and generally in exactly the same spot as they were last year and the year before that.
With competition in the art market getting very fierece especially in the battle of the fairs I really think the organisers of the Islington fair are going to have to have a whole re-think especially with fairs like the Affordable becoming so popular. The Affordble Art Fair added Hampstead to its list last year and took over two £2,500,000 in the four days it was open.
The Freize will always pull in the mega big hitters both galleries and buyers alike, but if Islington want to cash in on the middle and lower end price ranges they will really have to change their strategy!!!

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