19 Sept 2012

Two Weeks for The Price of One

Ok Ok So I know I have been slack, I apologies for that, actually why am I apologising no bugger reads this, do they?
So what's been happening in the wonderful world of Storm? OK here is a brief round up.

On Tuesday the 4th of Sept myself and Mrs Storm visited William Morris House in Walthamstow to listen to a talk with the artist Grayson Perry, known to many as the Tranny Potter!! He was discussing the notions of brands and especially brand in relation to artists and taste. It was a great talk, he is very knowledgeable and funny and down to earth. And what's more we got some Perry goods signed by him so that's te mortgage on the place in Venice sorted!
Bit annoyed he didn't wear a dress though!

Thursday soon came around and the opening of the Religious Violenta group show at London's Westbank Gallery. Both myself and Nicky were lucky enough to be chosen to show, her with a photograph and me with one of my sculptures. It was a great show full of some fabulous work. Organised by Gonny Van Hulst and Kane Kali of KGB Productions who did a fabulous job!

Mrs Storms Photo 'Hard Father'

The following day I travelled to Putney, lovely part of the world at the end of the Kings Road to meet Louise. She won the portrait competition way back in April and I was finally able to present it to her. She was very pleased with it, which is just as well because I was not taking it back home or exchanging it for its monetary value! LOL

Then I did some work!!

On Thursday the 20th we popped along to the 5th anniversary soiree at Signal Gallery. Was a good night and as ever some great work on the walls.

The weekend came around and me and Mrs Storm decided to dust off our 80's clobber and head over to the Borderline Club in Soho to see Kip Winger in concert. Kip was and still is the front man for rock band Winger. Mrs Storm first saw him in concert in with Winger 20 years ago. It was a great show and we got to meet up with him afterwards for a chat and photos. She was very happy to meet one of her teenage idols!

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